Skin Peels and Resurfacing

Skin Peels and Skin Resurfacing

Often people think they have too much skin in the lower eyelids, when their problem is not excess skin, but wrinkles or rhytids. Fine lines in the lower eyelids can be smoothed over with a laser or chemical peel of the skin. The skin texture can also be enhanced by this peel.

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CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing (fractionated and/or ablative)

An ultra pulsed fractionated carbon dioxide (CO2) laser is used to precisely and safely perform cosmetic skin rejuvenation. The CO2 laser beam is fractionated into thousands of tiny shafts of pulsed light which penetrate in to the deeper layers of the skin. With healing, this smoothes the surface of the skin and stimulates the formation of new collagen and healthier, younger looking skin. One may need to have a very light laser resurfacing to reduce wrinkles, or a stronger procedure to shrink and tighten the skin. This may be done in a localized region or the entire face may be treated. The amount of laser treatment can be varied as needed in different areas of the face. A stronger fractionated and ablative CO2 laser can remove up to 50% of winkles. The healing time increases with the degree of treatment. One can normally expect peeling for 3-7 days. The erythema, or pink color, which fades in 3-8 weeks, may be concealed with makeup. This laser treatment can be performed in an outpatient surgery facility or in the office.

Fractionated CO2 Laser Resurfacing

Light Lower Eyelid CO2 Laser Peel

Full Face Ablative CO2 Laser Resurfacing


Moderate strength chemical peels of the skin may help to lessen fine lines and decrease some of the hyper pigmented brown spots. We also offer PRP facials (aka “the Vampire facial”), Beta peels and microdermabrasion in the office.